Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

Equality and Diversity Training

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As business psychologists we know the reasons why organisations are not naturally diverse and inclusive, we also know how to address those barriers we reduce your costs, we improve profitability and we improve performance by equality and diversity training.


Business Psychologists & Human Resource Consultants

We work in London and throughout the UK - Call us +44 2070969023

Equality and Diversity Consultancy

Our occupational psychologists' approach to diversity and inclusion is founded upon years over 50 years experience of successfully bringing about fundamental change and reducing unconscious bias across a range of industry sectors. Our industrial and organisational psychologists and HR consultants work in partnership with clients to develop ideas for equality and diversity training materials that have a genuine impact. We offer formal qualification programmes that are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management. As business psychologists we know the reasons why organisations are not naturally diverse and inclusive, we also know how to address those barriers we reduce your costs, we improve profitability and we improve performance by equality and diversity training.

Our local diversity experts provide a range of flexible and cost effective services including:

Equality and diversity training materials
Equality impact assessments
Equality and diversity strategies
Communication strategies to promote diversity
Benchmarking and audits
Diversity development centres
Diversity career development programmes
Service delivery audits
Diversity coaching
Diversity training and workshops
Community engagement programmes
Equality and diversity policy reviews
Diversity investigations

"We take organisations beyond the legal arguments for diversity to understanding how employment diversity adds value to the organisation. You will have access to top experts fast, we provide a high quality service and have particular expertise in working with doctors, law firms and the social care sector."

Ali Khan, Group Director of Marketing and Corporate Services

Find out More - Useful Resources

Click the links below to access useful information and download resources.

Head Office:
49 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1JT

Also at:
180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9ER

Nottingham Office:
City Gate East, Toll House Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS

Birmingham Office
Ground Floor, One Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD

Tel: +44 (0) 207 0969 023
Fax: +44 (0) 207 993 5648
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